Сценарий театрализованного выступления в 4-6 классе «Добро пожаловать в волшебный мир чудес!»

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Название Сценарий театрализованного выступления в 4-6 классе «Добро пожаловать в волшебный мир чудес!»
Дата публикации 28.05.2014
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Тип Сценарий
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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Лицей г. Черемхово»

Иркутской области

Сценарий театрализованного выступления

в 4-6 классе

«Добро пожаловать в волшебный мир чудес!»


учитель английского языка

Кельман Татьяна Геннадьевна

г. Черемхово


Внеурочная деятельность в обучении английскому языку как эффективное средство достижения личностных, метапредметных и предметных результатов
Кельман Татьяна Геннадьевна

учитель английского языка

высшей квалификационной категории

МОУ Лицей г. Черемхово
Работая с детьми на разных ступенях обучения, неоднократно прихожу к выводу, что внеклассная деятельность создаёт условия для активной учебно-познавательной деятельности обучающихся, повышает их интерес к предмету, развивает коммуникативные способности и улучшает знания изучаемого языка. Творчество ведёт к самовыражению детей, закладывает любовь к миру красоты, литературы и музыки.

 В основе такой деятельности лежит системно-деятельностный подход, который обеспечивает: формирование готовности к саморазвитию и непрерывному образованию; проектирование и конструирование социальной среды развития обучающихся в системе образования; построение образовательного процесса с учётом индивидуальных возрастных, психологических и физиологических особенностей обучающихся. 1

Ребёнок имеет возможность для личностного роста и развития, так как он активно и заинтересованно познаёт мир, осознаёт ценность труда, науки и творчества; осознаёт важность образования и самообразования для жизни и деятельности, способен применять полученные знания на практике.

Внеклассная деятельность позволяет учащимся стать социально активными, уважающими других людей и умеющими вести конструктивный диалог, а также достигать взаимопонимания, сотрудничать для достижения общих результатов.

Ежегодно в нашем городе организуется Театрализованный Фестиваль сказок на английском языке для учащихся 4, 5 и 6 классов. Цель данного мероприятия повышение мотивации и интереса к изучению иностранного языка, развитие творческих способностей детей.

Мне бы хотелось представить свой сценарий «Добро пожаловать в волшебный мир чудес!», включающий несколько отрывков из разных произведений на английском языке «Вини-ведьма и её кот Вилбар», «Красная шапочка», «Волшебник Изумрудного города», стихи и песни на английском языке. Выступление учащихся было очень ярким, эмоциональным и незабываемым, в результате мы заняли почётное первое место! Нужно отметить, что за победой лежат многочисленные репетиции, совместный труд учителей, детей и родителей, ответственность каждого в успехе общего дела.

Авторский сценарий композиции сказок.
SCENE 1. The slide with pictures of Winnie and Wilbur.(computer presentation includes the pictures of fairy tales)
Winnie the Witch:

Hooray, hooray!!! At last I’m among so many children!

What? You can’t recognize me? I’m Winnie the Witch, the most popular character of children’s books! I’m very kind and creative. I’m full of joy and today I’m going to make everyone happy!

Wilbur, Wilbur! Where are you, my dear cat?

Wilbur: Mew-mew, I’m here. What’s happened again?
Winnie the Witch: I lost my magic wand on my way here. Help me, please! You see, children are waiting for the world of tales!

Wilbur: Don’t worry my dear owner! I’m always ready to help you.

Winnie the Witch: Be quick, be quick!!! Wilbur! We can’t start without my magic wand!

Wilbur: Take it easy! Here it is! I found it in the oven. Sometimes I can be helpful for you! My dear Winnie! Miaow-miaow!!!

Winnie the Witch: Ok! Our show must go on! Welcome to the Magic world of fairy tales! ABRACADABRA!

The song is playing “Show must go on” by Freddy Murkery.
SCENE 2. The slide with pictures of Little Red Riding Hood and Grey Wolf.

Music is playing and Little Red Riding Hood is appearing. Four bushes with branches are turning up presented by four girls in green costumes with handmade branches. (Needed decorations: 2 trees, a stump, some flowers)
Little Red Riding Hood: (She is singing a song and picking up the flowers into her basket.) The girls-bushes are singing with Little Red Riding Hood together.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.
When the blazing sun is gone,

When it nothing shines upon,

Then you show your little light,

Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
The four girls are waving their branches and singing a song too, they are wearing green dresses.
Grey Wolf is appearing suddenly : What a beautiful and clever girl! Your song is so nice!

LRRH: Oh! Thank you, Grey Wolf! It’s so nice of you!

Grey Wolf: Where are you going, little girl?

LRRH: To my granny’s. She’s sick.

Grey Wolf: What’s in your basket?

LRRH: Some tasty food and cakes for my granny.
Grey Wolf: I can show you the shortest way and you will come to your granny very quickly. And then ….

LRRH: What then?

Grey Wolf: Nothing terrible! You will have fun with your granny!

LRRH: Thank you very much!
They are leaving the stage, first Grey Wolf, then LRRH to music.
SCENE 3. The slide with pictures of Winnie and Wilbur.

Winnie the Witch and Wilbur are coming out together and looking worried.
Winnie the Witch: What shall we do? Grey Wolf is going to eat our poor Little Red Riding Head.

Wilbur: Your magic wand, Winnie! It can make wonders! You can change everything!

Winnie the Witch: Thank you! It’s a good idea, Wilbur! You are so smart! ABRACADABRA!!!

Wilbur: Hooray! Now our LRRH and Mr. Grey Wolf are good friends! Look at them!
(Grey Wolf and LRRH are walking through the forest happily).
Wilbur: Miaow-miaow!!! Winnie, what about another fairy tale?

Winnie the Witch: No problem! ABRACADABRA!!! (They are leaving the stage.)
SCENE 4. The slide with pictures of How Dorothy saved the Scarecrow!
Dorothy walking through the forest along the yellow brick road and singing:
Follow the Yellow Brick Road,

That is what many are told;

To find the wonderful Wizard,

You must follow the Yellow Brick Road!
She hears a voice behind her.
Scarecrow: Good day!

Dorothy: Can you speak?

Scarecrow: Certainly, how do you do?

Dorothy: I’m pretty well, thank you. How do you do?

Scarecrow: I’m not feeling well. Night and day I have to scare away crows! But tell me – who are you? And where are you going?

Dorothy: My name is Dorothy. I’m going to Emerald City to ask the Great Oz to send me back home to Kansas.

The slide with pictures of Emerald City and Wizard of Oz.
Scarecrow: Oh! If I go to Emerald City with you, that Oz would give me some brains. You see, I’m stuffed with straw, so I have no brains at all. I wish I would have some.

Dorothy: I cannot tell, but you may come with me, if you like.
They are going together along the yellow brick road and singing.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road,

That is what many are told;

To find the wonderful Wizard,

You must follow the Yellow Brick Road!
SCENE 5. The slide with pictures of The Rescue of the Tin Woodman.
Dorothy and Scarecrow see a man made of tin with an axe in his hand. Dorothy is walking up to him and looking closely at his face.

The Tin Man is trying to raise his axe and to say something.
The Tin Man Good, good…

Dorothy: Did you say something?

The Tin Man: Yes, I did… Please bring me some oil.
Dorothy found the oil can and oiled The Tin Man.
The Tin Man: bowed and said: Thank you! When I was chopping down trees some time ago, it started to rain. And you see I had rusted so badly that I could not move. Say, where are you going?

Dorothy: To Emerald City to see the Great Oz.

The Tin Man: Do you think the Wizard could give me a heart? It was stolen by a tin girl that I loved very much, and I’m lonely without it.

Scarecrow: Come along!

They are going together along the yellow brick road and singing.
Follow the Yellow Brick Road,

That is what many are told;

To find the wonderful Wizard,

You must follow the Yellow Brick Road!
SCENE 6. The Cowardly Lion. (the slide with a picture and the title’s scene)
Dorothy, The Scarecrow and The Tin Man are walking ….and suddenly a fierce Lion leaped onto the road! He is pushing the Scarecrow and the Scarecrow is falling. He jumped on the Tin Man, knocking him over. Toto is barking?????
Dorothy: You big beast, you should be ashamed, trying to bite my poor little friends.

Lion: I didn’t bite them.

Dorothy: No, but you tried to. You are a big coward!

Lion: I know it, and I’ve always been a coward, but I can’t help it.

Scarecrow: But that isn’t right. The King of Beast shouldn’t be a coward.

Lion: I know it. Lion is crying. It is my great sorrow. I’m so unhappy!

Dorothy: Please don’t cry. I’m sorry I hit you.

The Tin Man: You can go with us to Emerald City and maybe Oz will give you courage!

Lion: It would me great for my life!
They are setting off along the Yellow Brick Road and singing together.
SCENE 7. The slide with pictures of Winnie and Wilbur.

Winnie the Witch and Wilbur are coming out.
Winnie: Dear Children! Now we must come back to Great Britain. But we hope to see you again and our fairy friends too!
Wilbur: You see that only friends, a good heart, brains and courage can make your life wonderful!

Winnie and Wilbur: ABRACADABRA!!!

Everyone is coming out and singing a song about interesting things and comparisons! A Final Song!
I wanna be!!!

As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox

As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear

As free as a bird, as mean as a word

As quiet as a mouse, as big as a house
(All) Oh oh oh I wanna be

(All) Oh oh oh ohhhhh I wanna be

Oh (all) oh oh ohhhhh I wanna be

Is everything
As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth

As deep as a bite, as dark as the night

As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong

As long as a road, as ugly as a toad

As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture

Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be

Bright as day, as light as play

As hard as nails, as grand as a whale
Oh oh oh I wanna be

Oh oh oh ohhhhh I wanna be

Oh oh oh ohhhhh I wanna be

Is everything

Everything at once

Everything at once

Oh everything at once
As warm as the sun, as silly as fun

As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea

As hot as fire, cold as ice

Sweet as sugar and everything nice

As old as time, as straight as a line

As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee

As stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glider

Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be
Oh oh oh I wanna be

Oh oh oh ohhhhh I wanna be

Oh oh oh ohhhhh I wanna be

Is everything

Everything at once

At the end of the performance all the children-participants and their teacher are bowing to the audience.

Список использованной литературы

  1. L. Frank Baum “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” - Dalmatin Press, 2004.

  2. Valerie Thomas and Korky Paul “Winnie’s New Computer”. – Oxford University Press, 2008.

  3. Valerie Thomas and Korky Paul “Winnie’s Magic Wand”. – Oxford University Press, 2006.

  4. Valerie Thomas and Korky PaulWinnie’s Flying Carpet”. - Oxford University Press, 2009.

  5. Rex Irvine “Little Red Riding Hood”. – Superscope, China, 2005.

Использованные дополнительные материалы

  1. Стихотворение “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”.

  2. Lenka “Everything at Once” (песня).

  3. Музыкальные заставки к появлению сказочных героев.

1 Федеральный Государственный Образовательный Стандарт Основного Общего Образования

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