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Тип Рабочая учебная программа
literature-edu.ru > Курсовая работа > Рабочая учебная программа
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Раздел 1: Аудирование (максимум 8 баллов)

Вы услышите рассказ школьника о предстоящем Дне Открытых дверей в своей школе. Заполните пропуски соответствующей информацией.

It’s your Environment…PROTECT IT!

You are invited to an Open Day on the Environment

At: Beech Hill School

On: Saturday (1) _________________

From 10.00 to 20.00

Events include:

A (2) _________________ film about (3) ______________________

A Workshop entitled: “How (4) __________________ and why?”

A Nature Walk: Join Ted Hamilton and find out about “Ways to protect our natural environment”

(Sing up NOW! Places are (5) ___________________)
A (6) ________________ by Dr Lynda Potter

“What can (7) __________ do to help?” at 19.00
Information stand with books and (8) _______________ about the environment
Ask our experts any question you want.
For further information, contact Mrs Elizabeth McMaster at 639478.

Раздел 2. Чтение (максимум 7 баллов)

Установите соответствие между заголовками A-H и текстами 1-7. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.


















Things boys play with are not like objects girls play with. Boys often have more freedom to run about and they get guns, train sets, toy trucks and toy cars. Electronic games are very popular among young boys. Toys for girls are much quieter and more passive. Young girls often get things like dolls, dresses, and pictures to colour.


“Teddies” are an important part of British culture. Most people in Britain have a teddy bear when they are young, and most people are very fond of their special bear, even when they are 30 or 40 years old! Many famous people like film stars or pop stars or politicians collect “teddies”. These people have donated their old friends to the teddy bear museum which is in Stratford-on-Avon in England. Many tourists go to this place, because it is the birthplace of Shakespeare, but they often love the teddy bear museum more.


Computer games are a multimillion dollar industry, but people who really enjoy games are not satisfied with playing against the computer. They want to play against real people and most computer games allow you to do that just by joining up with other players on the Internet. Regular players say that this is where their true enjoyment of games can be found. With some games up to 60 people can take part. It's a good way to meet people and it gives you something to talk about.


The big American company General Motors has developed a vehicle that uses the power of the sun instead of petrol. The vehicle is called Sunraycer which means "ray of the sun"+"racer". Sunraycer has just taken part in a race against 25 solar-powered vehicles. Sunraycer covered the great distance in 45 hours at a speed of 41 miles an hour at temperatures as high as 48°C. It is certainly the car of the future.


Computers are a great technological invention of the 20th century. Their advantages are numerous yet much can be said against them. The main disadvantage of computers is that looking at a screen for long periods of time is bad for the eyes, and sitting on a chair for hours is not healthy. Also, people who use computers have a tendency to become anti-social and stay at home. The strongest argument against the use of computers is that the more jobs which are done by computers, the less are done by people.


Thirty years ago few people realized that computers were about to become part of our everyday lives. This short period of time has seen great changes in business, education and public administration. Jobs which took weeks to do in past, are now carried out in minutes. Schoolchildren have become as familiar with hardware and software as their parents were with pencils and exercise books and they don’t worry about mistakes having a computer.


Generous granddad Martin Rossiter, from Macclesfield, has built a treehouse for his grandchildren – costing £35,000! The top-of-the-range two-storey treehouse features a series of rope walkways between the sycamores, oaks and pine trees in Martin’s garden and took builders five days to make. He plans to add running water, electricity and bunk beds to make it perfect play-den. Martin has 12 grandchildren – aged from 2 to12 – but the rest of his family believe he secretly made the house for himself!








Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика (максимум 21 балл)

Прочитайте приведенные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

A Smart Boy

1. Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. Their___________ were good friends. One day Mr. Jones invited to Mr. Brown to a small party. Mr. Brown went intothe other room and telephoned his wife.


2. When he came back Mr. Jones asked him, “Have you spoken to your wife already?” “No, she __________________ there when I phoned. My

small son answered the phone. I asked him, “Is your mother there?” And he said, “She is somewhere outside”.


3. “Why is she outside?” I asked. “She __________________ for me”, he answered.


The Great Wall of China

4. The Great Wall of China runs for 6,700 kilometers from east to west of China. It is one of the __________________ wonders of the world.


5. The Great Wall __________________ in order to protect the country form different aggressors.


6. The construction of the Wall __________________ in the 6th century BC and lasted until the 16th century AD.


7. Since then, the Great Wall of China __________________ a Symbol of wisdom and bravery of the Chinese people and a monument to Chinese nation for many hundreds of years.


Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, так чтобы они лексически и грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

Arbor Day and Earth Day

8. The first Arbor Day took place in April, 1872 in Nebraska. It was the brainchild of Julius Sterling Morton (1832-1902), a Nebraska journalist and __________________ originally from Michigan.


9. When he became a member of Nebraska's state board of agriculture, he proposed that a special day be set aside dedicated to tree planting and increasing __________________ of the importance of trees. Nebraska's first Arbor Day was an amazing success. More than one million trees were planted.


10. On April 22, 1970, Arbor Day __________________ were modified to emphasize the critical importance of the environment.


11. It was a time when cities were buried under their own smog and polluted rivers caught fire. Earth Day was created to remind people of their __________________to protect the planet.


12. Now Earth Day is celebrated __________________ around the globe.


13. What started as a day of national environmental recognition has evolved into a worldwide campaign to protect our __________________ environment.


Раздел 4: Письмо (максимум 3 балла)

This is a part of a letter from your English pen friend.

Do you often have arguments with your parents? I do. My mother thinks that I spend too much time watching TV. Do you often watch TV?

What programmes do you like best and why? And what do you do when you disagree with your parents about the programmes to watch?

Write back soon.



Write back to Ann answering her questions.

Ask her 3 questions about her future summer holidays
Write 100-140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Final test (end of the year)


You are going to listen to 5 speakers. Match the statements and the speakers. One statement is not used.
A. She enjoys watching team sports.
B. She wants to join a team to play a sport.

C. She thinks sport is a good way to keep fit.

D. She likes playing sports with her friends.

E. She would like to try a dangerous sport.

F. She thinks watching sport is boring.








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