An International Agency for the Development of Culture, Education and Science (iadces)

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Название An International Agency for the Development of Culture, Education and Science (iadces)
Дата публикации 24.09.2014
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Тип Документы > История > Документы
The 2nd International Sciences Congress “Fundamental Studies in America, Europe and Asia: Li To Whom It May Concern!
An International Agency for the Development of Culture, Education and Science (IADCES), in collaboration with Columbia University (USA) invites you to appear in the scientific periodical journal through the publication of material science

«American Journal of Scientific Research»
The journal has been registered in the USA.
The journal publishes articles on the humanities, social, technical and natural sciences. It is published in English, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian and Turkish. The example of the descriptive data of the article – Kmit A. International collaboration in Eurasia // American Journal of Scientific Research, New York, 2014, No.1. – P. 11-16. 
The frequency of the issue – 1(one) issue every six months

Articles passed into the number 1/2014 will be accepted until 30 August of this year.
A part edition of the issued collection of scientific articles is forwarded to the Library of the U.S. Congress, as well as to the libraries of the largest universities of the United States of America and the world.
The journal is intended for students, undergraduates, advanced and postdoctoral students, degree-seeking students, young professionals, lecturers, and academic researchers from different countries.
This issue has been included in the database of the SCOPUS and RSCI.
The distribution term of the print publication is up to 45 working days after the end date of the articles acceptance.

Main Headings of the Journal:

  • Anthropology

  • Biology

  • Geology

  • Geography

  • Demography and Ethnography

  • Journalism

  • Arts and Culture

  • History and archeology

  • Politics

  • Materials

  • International Relations

  • Mathematics

  • Medicine and Veterinary

  • Psychology

  • Pedagogy

  • Regional Studies and socio-economic geography

  • Religious

  • Agricultural sciences

  • Sociology

  • Engineering

  • Physics

  • Philology and Linguistics

  • Philosophy

  • Chemistry

  • Economics and Management

  • Legal

  • Physical Culture, Health and Sport


prof. Henry Dean (USA)
prof. John Goldwater (Australia)
prof. Alan Wesley (Canada)
prof. Adam McKinley (USA)
prof. Richard Coventry (Australia)
prof. James Ridley (Australia)
prof. Fat Zhou (China)
prof. Thomas Reid (Canada)
prof. Pedro Sanchez (Mexico)
prof. Xavier Antoine (France)
prof. Mbuna Mbang (South Africa)
prof.Dzherri Hurd (New Zealand)
prof. Mitsumi Jakas (Japan)
prof. Mithun Ratri (India)
prof. Omar Mansouri (UAE)

prof. Gerhard Klabbe (Germany)
How to Publish the Article

  1. Submit your article and information concerning the author to the address of the editorial office: Articles are accepted electronically using only an e-mail.

  2. You will receive a mail with full cost calculations and all possible ways of payment within 10 days after the procedure of the completed publication review.

  3. Pay services for the article handling and its publication in accordance with forwarded details.

  4. After the publication of the journal, we send it for you by a regular mail.

Prices for Services



Publication of 1 (one) article up to 8 pages of the text (14, 400 symbols without spaces) in the journal

30 euros

Figures (photos, diagrams), formulas or tables included in the text of the article

+ 20% to the total cost of the publication of the article

Publication of 1 (one) page of the text running over the included article length

5 euros

Receiving of 1 (one) copy of the published issue of the journal including its sending by mail

10 euros

Professional translation of the article into English (1 page)

12-15 euros depending on the complexity

Methods of payment:

  • Transfer to a bank account in EUR in the Сanada or Australia (Important! If you use this method of payment, banks additionally charge a fee for the transfer of funds in the amount of up to 20 euros).

  • Scrill international payment system – payment of the business account of the institution in Scrill.

  • WebMoney international payment system – payment of the separate account of the institution in WebMoney.

  • You can pay in EUR and U.S. dollars.

Please Submit an Article with the Information about the Author as Required Below:

Type of publication

American Journal of Scientific Research

Russian or another language (other than English)

Translation into English

Full name of the author


Title of the article


Thematic heading of the article


Place of employment or study, position held

Whenever appropriate

Academic degree, academic rank

Whenever appropriate

Contact telephone number and the e-mail address


Quantity copies of the journal

Home mailing address with a ZIP code for sending of the publication.

After the address – the full name of the parcel receiver

General Requirements to Articles and information about the Author

Name of the file with information about the author (Application Form for publication)

A separate file with the name «Application form – Author’s surname»

(for example, Application form – Ivanov)

Name of the file with the article

A separate file called «Article Heading Name – Author’s Name»

(for example, «HistoryIvanov»)

File type

Microsoft Word 97-2013 (doc, rtf)

Sheet size



Top and bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1,5 cm


Times New Roman, body-size is 14, line spacing – 1,5

Text justification


Paragraph (indention)

1,25 cm

Page numbering


Summary of the article

A summary to the article is placed before its main text – 2-3 sentences and an English translated version of the summary to the article is also sent.

List of key words

Eight key words describing the article follow after its summary. The translation of key words into English is also sent.

Making a list of references

Literary sources are given in order to references on pages of the text, and are placed at the end of the article as well as numbered. How to present the list of references, see Appendix 1

Figures / diagrams

Black and white, and embedded in the text


Representing in the embedded Word Editor of formulas

Length of the article

From 8 pages and more

(from 14, 400 symbols without spaces)

Contacts: International Agency for the Development of Culture, Education and Science

1-100 Grattan Street, Parkville VIC 3010, Melbourne, Australia


Typical Description of the First Page of the Article

Whereas the article is written in Russian or another language (other than English), blocks involving «Information about the Author – Title of the Article – Summary - Key Words», are translated into English and initially given.
Whereas the article is written in English, blocks involving «Information about the Author – Title of the Article – Summary - Key Words», their translation into Russian or another language is not required.
Appendix 1.
Example of an article in English

Kmit Ann, University of Oxford,

                     Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, the Faculty of Historical Science,


International collaboration in Eurasia

Abstract: This article is devoted to international cooperation in Eurasia. The publication focuses on the political, military and scientific aspects of international cooperation on the continent.

Keywords: International cooperation, politics, army, science, economics, Eurasia.
Text. Text. Text[1]. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text[2]. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text. Text.

  1. Lindboy A. Russia and Ukraine. London, 2009. - P.233

  2. Иванов C. Сотрудничество России и Китая. Москва, 2011. - С.111

Example of an article in Russian
Kmit Ann, University of Oxford,

                     Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, the Faculty of Historical Science,

International collaboration in Eurasia
Abstract: This article is devoted to international cooperation in Eurasia. The publication focuses on the political, military and scientific aspects of international cooperation on the continent.

Keywords: International cooperation, politics, army, science, economics, Eurasia.

Кмит Анна, Оксфордский университет,

профессор, доктор исторических наук, исторический факультет

Международное сотрудничество в Евразии
Аннотация: Данная статья посвящена международному сотрудничеству в странах Евразии. В публикации рассматриваются политические, военные и научные аспекты международного сотрудничества стран континента.
Ключевые слова: Международное сотрудничество, политика, армия, наука, экономика, Евразия.
Текст. Текст. Текст[1]. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст [2]. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст. Текст.

Список литературы:

  1. Lindboy A. Russia and Ukraine. London, 2009. - P.233

  2. Иванов C. Сотрудничество России и Китая. Москва, 2011. - С.111

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