Урок-презентация в 8 4 классе по теме «The World’s Best Friend Is You»

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Учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №31

Алиева И.Х.
Урок-презентация в 84 классе по теме

«The World’s Best Friend Is You »
Цели урока:

Воспитательная: воспитание у учащихся экологической культуры, бережного отношения к природе, сохранения ее богатств для будущего поколения;

Учебная: воспитание потребности в практическом использовании языка, готовности к коммуникации и ведению несложной беседы по теме;

Познавательная: развитие интеллектуальных способностей и общего кругозора учащихся, осознание учащимися того, что они могут сделать для улучшения экологического состояния Планеты.

Межпредметная связь: сочетание таких дисциплин, как биология, география и литература с английским языком.

Учебные пособия: слайды с видами природы,проектные работы учащихся , выполненные в виде видеороликов, плакатов «Trash Becomes New Products», « Two Sides Of The City» произведения литературы русских и английских авторов (поэзия)
Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент. Приветствие учителя.

Вступительное слово учителя:
For thousands of years the Earth has been feeding and supporting us. But human beings destroy their planet. People build power stations and towns, cut down trees and kill animals. Our rivers, land and air are polluted by chemical wastes. The pollution of the environment is dangerous for people and wildlife. The predictions of scientists are alarming. They speak about an international catastrophe. Why do people pollute themselves with cigarettes, alcohol and junk food? Let’s solve these problems together and speak about them at our lesson.
2.Речевая зарядка.
a) We will start with the words we have known from Unit 2. What words on this theme do you remember? ( « protect, protective, protection, pollute, pollution, environment, environmental, waste »).

You see two columns of words. You must match the words to make up word expressions ( слайд 2).

б) You will hear these word expressions in the sentences. Your task is to translate the sentences from English into Russian ( слайд 3).

3.Активизация лексики в речи.

  1. You know that there are words and phrases that have the same meanings. So use the words from the box instead of the underlined word combinations ( слайд 4).

б) The same task is for ex.15, p.44. You are to find in the text of ex. 12, p.43 the phrases that have similar meanings to the following: (слайд 5)

4. Развитие навыков устного высказывания по теме.
Let’s start to speak about environmental problems.
Is our planet out of danger? Do people take care of the Earth? What would you do to make the air cleaner? What would you do to clean the water? There is a list of problems that our planet suffers from ( слайд 6).
You are right. We all understand that nowadays the environmental problems become more and more serious. Listen to the questions and answer them with the help of the text. Use the opinion expressions from the blackboard:
In my opinion….

To my mind….

As far as I see it….
(слайды 7-23) Do you like to fish or swim? Do you like to walk through the woods? Do you like to breathe fresh air? Do you like to watch birds and to hear them singing? If you do, we’ll have to treat our Earth home in a different way.
What does it mean? It means that we are making lakes and rivers too dirty for fish to live in or for people to swim in. We are cutting down our forests too fast, we are spoiling the nature. We are making so much smoke that dirty air often hides the sky. The dirty air makes it hard for us to breathe and it can cause illness, and even death. Every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out for ever.

( слайды 24-30) Farmers often spray chemicals on crops to protect them against pests. These chemicals called pesticides. Pesticides can cause health problems-especially for kids.

5. Презентация проектной работы учащихся.
Our pupils have made some projects about the environmental problems. One of them will be shown to you. Adukhova Asya will present you the film where our pupils acted as real actors (презентация видео-проекта с комментариями учащейся слайда 32).

Can you imagine children playing in gas masks? You will see it now.
How did you like it? An awful picture, isn’t it?

6. Time to relax. I see that you are tired. Let’s have time to relax (ролик слайда34).

7. Обучение чтению.

  1. Well, let’s continue discussing the ecological problems and the ways out of situation. Let’s read the words and the word combinations and translate them ( слайд 35).

б) Now your task is to read sentences in English and to translate them into Russian (слайд 36).

8. Презентация проектной работы учащегося.
As you know from ex.40, p.51 people throw away too much rubbish. But we still can recycle it. Recycling is the process after which the rubbish can be useful again. It is expensive but it saves trees and energy (слайд 37 и постер презентация Рамазанова Мурада).
Is litter a big problem in our town? In our town litter looks horrible. It remains in the streets, on the roads unless the people who live nearby pick it up. Unfortunately you can see plastic bags, cans of drink, cigarette packets everywhere. Sometimes our teachers organize a clean-up days or subbotniks to clear all the litter outside the school (слайды 38-51).

9. Применение межпредметных связей на уроке.
The pupils have prepared the poems about nature. Lets listen to them (Бархуева П., Гаджиева М., Рабаданова Ф.)

10. Обучение монологическому высказыванию.
So, let’s make a conclusion. How can we protect the Earth ( монологическое высказывание)? Everyone should look at what they throw away and try to throw away less. When air, land, or water becomes dirty, we say it is polluted. We know that polluted air, land and water are harmful to plants, animals, and people. We are the caretakers of the EARTH. How can we keep our Earth clean? We must take care of our motherland and plant one tree every year ( слайд 52).

11. Заключительное слово учителя:
You see, children, everyone can live his life protecting and saving the world. All we need is to stop polluting the environment. If you can manage to carry out the points, you will know that you are contributing towards saving the Earth.

12. Песня « We are the world » (слайд 53)

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